Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Meg in Seattle

I (eric) just got back from a long weekend in Seattle visiting my friend Meg. In four days I managed to take about as many pictures (I need to work on that). We spent our time hanging out at her place, amazing each other with our wit and charm (our long standing favorite activity), and watching way too much Olympic coverage. (Dear Michael Phelps, enough already. Love, eric & meg). Meg lives out on the peninsula so our trip over to the city involved a 40 minute ferry ride. She does it every day and didn't find it quite as impressive as I did. Go figure. Here are some photos of us contemplating life and its mysteries while heading west across the sound. Her place is great--right across the road from the sound--and she even has her very own pair of bald eagles living in the tree above her house. I would have been more impressed with the eagles if they didn't have such a wimpy-sounding cry. I want something glorious, you know, patriotic. And so our other main activity was trying to teach the eagles something a little more appropriate. As they flew over head we called out, "liberteeeee," "michaelphelps," and "neoliberalism." You know, really American stuff. This activity left Meg feeling very proud of her effort on behalf of all Americans. This is what such pride looks like:
A final moment of fun came when I spotted Meg's judo gui in her closet. Here I am teaching the eagles about American diplomacy. 

1 comment:

Scout375 said...

Dear Eric,
Fantastic Blog. Neoliberalism wanted you to know that he made great advancements in his efforts to become more American-like. He is currently painting a picture of Purple Mountains Majesty which is difficult with Talons but like a true American he has managed to make it happen.