Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some Jonie Fun Facts

1. According to her one month well baby visit, Jonie is in the 97th percentile for length.

2. She has a birth mark on the inside of her left thigh.

3. She likes to smile at you the first time she sees you. After you've been smiling in her face for a few minutes, she is over you.

4. Most of the time she prefers to sleep in her car seat, rather than laying down flat.5. At the moment, her favorite toys are an elephant with a bell inside, and a sock monkey (thanks auntie megan and uncle jonathan!).

6. Her bowel movements come in pairs. If you try to change her after the first one you will either have to change her again, or deal with a very unfortunate incident on the changing table (learned the hard way).

7. She likes baths, but prefers to take baths with mom or dad rather than get bathed in the kitchen sink.

8. She loves to go on walks and falls asleep in no time. Here she is bundled up for a walk with dad yesterday. (Thanks Alex for the handmade mittens sent all the way from Latvia!)


mom said...

I love this picture!

rhapsody1110 said...

jonie and i are soul sisters with matching inner thigh birth marks. is hers shaped like a chicken leg?