Thursday, February 25, 2010


We just got back from a long and lovely weekend in Michigan. It was Jonie's first time meeting many of her relatives, and she was in great spirits. Anne and I were both really anxious about the plane rides (a three hour stint to Minneapolis and then one more hour to Grand Rapids). Many of our fellow passengers looked a little anxious when we sat down near them, too. But Jonie was a gem. She slept or nursed during both rides and was quiet as a mouse. Same story on our return flights. We got lucky on our long flight home in that we had an empty seat between us so Jonah was able to stretch out and relax.

Grandma Duke (that is what Anne's mom is called) and Jonie got to spend some great time together.
Jonie also got to see two of her great grandmas. Here is Grandma Pasche (Mike's mom)...
... and here is Grandma Scott (Gloria's Mom).

On Sunday, Gloria hosted an open house so that Jonie's aunts and cousins could say hello. They even got the chance to put four generations together on one couch. Pretty cool.

The weekend was made even more special because Anne's brother Aaron was able to drive out from Wisconsin with his wife and their three kids. Here is Jonie getting a tickle on the belly from her cousin Katrina.
Grandma Duke was in heaven with all of her grandkids in the house together. And she was pretty worn out, too. Here is Landon, Jonie's 16-month-old cousin. Anne thinks he and Jonie look a lot alike. He's a cutie.

On Monday we got lucky and had a snow day. Both Grandma and Grandpa Duke are teachers and both of their schools canceled classes for the day. Such luck! Gloria got Jonie a snowsuit for just such an occasion. She was totally adorable and swimming in the thing. We couldn't resist taking her out for a walk.
The Jonie-tunes giving me some Scrabble tips.

It was a wonderful visit. The only thing we would have done differently is take more pictures!

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