Friday, October 8, 2010

Just Try to Stop Me

Jonie is an unstoppable force of movement. This very food oriented kid has even lost interest in eating because she doesn't want to sit in her high chair when she could be trucking around the house—gripping furniture, flinging clothes out of the laundry basket and foraging the floors of our apartment that I used to think were pretty clean.

As for Anne and I, things have been very hectic. I have applied to three jobs (yes, full time faculty positions) and one postdoc in the past few weeks. Anne has been working like crazy on proposals and client deliverables. Tonight we dropped Jonie at a friend's house for a few hours so that we could enjoy a meal together. It was wonderful, but over too soon. I have to put together two syllabi for another job application (a fun but time consuming task). And, as I type, Anne is sitting across from me reading a large stack of stapled office papers. Jonah is resisting sleep. We're debating whether and when to go back into her room to soothe her and help her lay down--she is no doubt standing in her crib, gripping the rails like the bars on a jail cell. What a trouble maker. An absolutely joyful, ingenious, indefatigable trouble maker.

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