Monday, December 13, 2010

100th Post!

Yes, loyal followers, this is our 100th blog post!

Things at our house have been blissfully quiet lately. Following a crazy November, we've been living up the relative calm of December. Jonie is making slow but steady progress on the walking front. Her record so far is six unaided steps in a row. A few days ago she made the treacherous journey from the coffee table to the love seat. Harrowing. But she does love to walk.

We are getting ready to head to Michigan to celebrate Christmas with Anne's family. I have started my coping-with-a-one-year-old-on-a-five-hour-flight skills already. Jonie is a really happy kid, for the most part, but she is squirmy. And she is not sure about the bonnet look.

One thing she really does enjoy is blue-green swim goggles. She gives them to me, I put them on, and she cruises around the house checking everything out in its new color scheme. At one point she wore them for about fifteen minutes. So funny.

Relaxing at the end of a long day of playing. A kid's got to unwind.

Ever since her first birthday a few weeks ago, it seems like Joine is turning into a kid. She's developed a fake cry (and a hilarious 'mad' face to go along with it) and really wants to play. We were in the toy section at Target the other day shopping for niece and nephews, and Jonie wanted to touch everything. And then she cried when we left the section. This is a big change from just a few weeks ago when she was interested but largely indifferent to such things. Look out.

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