Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Little Break

After you've spent several long days at the business end of a demanding toddler, you need a break (to put it mildly). Jonie is becoming more and more frustrated as her desire to communicate outpaces her ability to sign, speak or gesture to let us know what she is thinking. This ends with a lot of pointing and whining. And frustration on all sides.
Fortunately for us all, Val and Tom came down a few weekends ago and sent us out for a nice night on the town. Don't we look smashing?

Tonight is a more typical night for us, though. Jonie is sound asleep and Anne and I have been working ever since. It is just past 10:30 on a Sunday night, and we're both trying desperately to get caught up so that Monday doesn't hit us like a ton of bricks. This is hard.

1 comment:

rhapsody1110 said...

smashing as always, you guys. glad jonie got some grandparent time and you got a night on the town-- it's well deserved i know. :)
thx for the update. i've missed them!