Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's Happening....

After many weeks of playing with the potty, letting stuffed animals sit on the potty, and practice runs at the potty, tonight we had our first real success! An honest-to-god poop in the potty! Okay, there was another poop on the floor near the potty but, after all, isn't it the intention that counts?

As with every good try on the potty, Jonie earned two star stickers (one on each hand), and many excited high fives for her efforts. Of course after I gave her the stars, she looked at them, looked at me and said, "Mo-mo sta!" (Translation: more stars.) Though she may never be satisfied, we are feeling very proud of her bathroom victory. A diaper-free life is waiting on the horizon. We can feel it.

1 comment:

The Fitch-Jenett Family said...

AWESOME! It's going to be so very, very long until we're there. I'm so glad you're on the road!