Monday, November 23, 2009

Finding A Routine

Nope, still no internet at home. Hopefully we'll update more frequently when service resumes.

Our first days home with Jonah have been a learning experience, to be sure. We've got a pretty good routine during the nights: wake Jonah before she becomes so hungry that she is too upset to eat (learned the hard way), Anne feeds her until she is good and milk-drunk, hand her to me and I hold her against my chest until she passes out. After that, we put her in her car seat; she hates to be laid down flat. The car seat has become a very good friend of ours. Day time routines are still being established. But all in all, Jonah is an easy baby. She cries when she is hungry, tired, or in need of a diaper change. Other than that she is alert and pretty happy. We are falling in love. All of this learning has meant that we've been spending a lot of time around the house. We even spent an hour or so watching "Smokey Robinson: A Tribute on Ice" yesterday. At one point Anne was heard to say, "Damn, Smokey, you're crackin' me up!" She also announced that she would gladly pay up to $10 to see such a spectacle in person. It was Smokey Robinson singing in front of an ice rink where skaters interpreted his Motown hits. All this time at home has enriched our lives in such unexpected ways.

Okay, here are some photos.
Spending a lot of time in the rocking chair these days. I was really looking forward to this.
My girls sleeping in this morning. After Jonah woke up I brought her into bed with us and she feel back to sleep again. Such a sweet moment.

1 comment:

eggplant said...

i love you guys! smokey robinson on ice? oh, indeed. there is a god. i spent thanksgiving with a friend and his daughter and her 3 month old boy Zach. It made me miss you and this beautiful young lady i have yet to meet. rock a little for aunty brennan... you can even hum a little 'tears of a clown' if you'd like.