Monday, April 12, 2010

Good Morning, Grandpa Doug!

Here are a few photos to start your day, Dad. (Everyone else can enjoy them, too.)

Our morning routine starts between 6 and 7am, when the little one wakes up and joins us in bed for her breakfast. Here she is looking sleepy and full. Anne unsnapped the top of her pajamas and thought she looked like a lounge singer. I see a future there.

Tummy time used to make her crazy, but she's become a pro.

All that playing wore her out. A few books and some time in the rocking chair, and she went down like a ton of bricks.

Anne is busy frosting cupcakes for a friend's birthday party tomorrow. I am watching some baseball (so glad it is back in season!), and Jonie is babbling to herself in her crib, soon to be sleeping... we hope. All is well.


The Bonfiglio Family said...

Jonie is getting so big! What an adorable little peanut.

Annie said...

Meghan, Jonie LOVES Sophie now. She is so about it. You can see it in the photos.