Monday, April 19, 2010

Wonderful Weekend

I was having a bit of a meltdown in the middle of last week and, wonderful partner that Anne is, she made a quick intervention for the sake of my mental health: she reserved a tent cabin at Big Basin State Park so that we could spend a little family time in the woods. Here we are getting ready to head out. Jonie's rocking this great onesie from her Auntie Jenn. (It is hard to believe that she is already big enough to wear this!)

Grandma Carrie knew that a girl this sophisticated would need some equally sophisticated shades.

Ordinarily we wouldn't use a tent cabin (this is basically a wooden cabin with an awning roof), but it was perfect for Jonie's first camping trip because it had a wood stove inside and we were able to keep the cabin warm all night long. We did some hiking and lots of hanging around outdoors. Jonie loved to lay on her blanket and look up at the canopy of redwoods above her.

Anne and I really hadn't had any time away together since Jonie was born. It was so nice to have evenings by the campfire outdoors after Jonah went to sleep. I am so lucky.

Home again and time to wash off all that campfire smell. Jonie loves to stand up all the time these days. The tub is no exception.

After we got cleaned up, it was back to playing. (We had to get her in this outfit at least one more time, Grandma Val. She is growing so fast! Tipping the scales at 16 pounds these days.)

Some new tricks: sitting up (with a little help to keep that giant noggin from tipping her right over) and foot examining (endless fascination).

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